Wednesday, May 20, 2009

MSN cleaner!!!

Salam and hello all,
Ni ada bad news and good news.... since some of our member yang da bnyak problem ngan msn virus yang pandai pm or txt orng sendirinya a2.... this is the download link MSNcleaner k... have fun...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

*Sob* Share your comment..

If you tried every possible way to lose weight without much success, don't feel bad, you're not alone. Contrary to popular belief, weight loss does not happen overnight and there's no magic formula or pill that will make you lose weight. Learn how to lose weight through a sensible diet plan. Any comment???

02-May'09 Excapade gathering photo

To all yang hadir during d gathering jam 7-9pm thx alot... yang bertempat d excapade gadong.. and gratz to all for our bill tani over B$200 haha... also soe to hjh atul for waiting awal rah sana hehe btw pic ni ku ambil dari internet.... ukan yng ori dari excapade that night huhu... so yng membawa camera time 2 pls pls email me a copy plsssss.... hehe... yum.. yum... nyaman eh shushi.... huah huah....